Monday, May 29, 2017


Dear Parents,

We had a "beary" good week.  We enjoyed bringing our teddy bears to class and taking them to the "Teddy Bear Hospital".  Some of them had ear aches, broken legs, and others had their annual physicals.  We used our language skills to get a complete medical history on our bears.  We put a splint on a bear with a broken leg and administered shots to sick bears.  One bear had an accident and got completely covered with bandages.

We also invited the Quarter Class into our class and listened to a story with them called Its the Bear" by, Jez Alborough.  We then created our own teddy bears puppets.  

The children had so much fun sitting on a blanket and having a teddy bear picnic.  We ate Teddy Grahams and fruit and shared stories about our stuffed animals.
Dressed in pajamas

Notes from Yuting:
This week in Mandarin class we learned about names of our family members. Here is the list--
Grandfather: yé ye / 爷 爷
Grandmother: nǎi nai / 奶 奶
Father: bà ba / 爸 爸
Mother:  mā ma/ 妈 妈
Older sister: jiě jie / 姐 姐
Younger sister: mèi mei / 妹 妹
Older brother: gē ge / 哥 哥
Younger brother: dì di / 弟 弟

This video teaches us the pronunciation--

We concluded our week by reading Goldilocks and the Three Bears and then the children put on their own production of Goldilock and the 3 bears.  They also put on a talent show with their stuffed animals.  These are some of the tricks their talented animals performed:
~ Tima's bunny hopped
~Sid's bear growled
~Caroline's leopard spun on his tiptoes
~Conrad's bear jumped
~Justin's dog ran fast
~Cyrus's bear did a flip
~Gaurav's bear tumbled across the rug
~Emma's bear hopped
~Liz's bear ran 
~Helen's bunny hopped really fast
~ Izzie's bear stood on his head
~Giselle's elephant walked really fast

 ~Antonio's cat walked very fast

Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear

    Taking a Bow

Someone has been eating my porridge
They at it all up

 This porridge is                delicious!

Ms. Bonne and Ms. Barbara

Saturday, May 20, 2017


Dear Parents,

This week we continued working on our nutrition unit.  We learned all about the foods in the fruit group by reading The Fruit Group Book by, Megan Borgert-Spaniol. We then worked on our fruit group page by choosing five different fruits such as: apples, bananas, pineapples, kiwi, and cantaloupe and then glued them them on.  We also made a smoothie by adding yogurt, strawberries, bananas and a little orange juice (from the fruit and dairy group). 

It not only tasted good, but was healthy as well.

Mmm, was it good!

We learned that the fruit and vegetable groups are high in vitamin A, which is good for your eyes and skin.  They are also high in Vitamin C, which helps your body heal. Vitamin C keeps your teeth and gums healthy. Some vegetables are full of potassium which gives you energy.

The children had so much fun decorating chef hats, which they wore while preparing all the different foods from the five food groups.

Finally we finished our Nutrition Booklets with the grain group page.   Some of the foods the children chose to add onto the grain group page were: pretzels, bread, cereal, oatmeal, and pasta.
We learned that these foods give you energy that lasts a long time. 

On Wednesday, Great Scott, the magician, performed for us.

We also had a discussion about good dental care after reading Peppa Pig's Trip to the Dentist by, Scholastic Inc.  We then made our own set of teeth. The children then spread soy butter (from our protein group) onto apple slices. and finally added cubes of apples, (from the fruit group).  They put it all together and voila! a set of teeth!


Showing our white teeth!

Beach day fun on the playground:



On Friday we had pizza of course, which is from the vegetable group, the grain group, and the dairy group. We also read Babar's Yoga for Elephants, by Laurent De Brunhoff.  The children then practiced the yoga moves.

Ms. Bonne and Ms. Barbara