Friday, February 17, 2017


Dear Parents,

We had so much fun planning our Valentine's Day Celebration. Each child chose a friend to make a picture for.  They cut out a heart and decorated it with various pieces of colored paper and some glitter. It was such a nice way for the children to learn the importance of giving and friendship.   Then they decorated a mailbox with different types of heart stickers. 

We hope you liked your Valentine's Day gift.  The children created your card by dipping the end of a bunch of celery into paint and then painting green stems and bows.  They also decorated the inside of the card using various heart shaped stamps.

On Tuesday we celebrated Valentine's Day by exchanging valentines, decorating cookies and playing the heart game.  The object of the game was to move the candy heart around the board. As soon as the children got to the end of the board they could eat their candy heart.  Their candy seemed to disappear even before they got to the end of the game!



On Wednesday, we introduced the children to the famous artist, 
Pablo Picasso.  We talked to them about what a profile is.  They now know it is the side view of one's face.  The children then laid down on the floor while I traced the side of their face. Then they painted each side of their face a different color.  They glued on magazine cutouts of eyes, ears, nose and mouth.  The results were spectacular!  Picasso would have been so proud of them!

Other fun Areas in class:

Dancing in Ms. Ginny's class:

Ms. Bonne and Ms. Barbara

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